New Year’s Retreat

This is not a chance to set new year’s resolutions that involve shaming your current life or setting unrealistic goals that will set you up to feel guilty later.

This is a pause, a moment of quiet, and listening. It is a chance to step away from the dings, alerts, and everyone and anyone calling for your attention. It is a chance to let your own voice be heard, the inner voice, in the soft quiet of winter.

An experiential approach to learning to tend the nervous system, this retreat is for women with full lives who are ready to claim a life that is overflowing from the inside out.


Hideaway Point is minutes from the Nantahala Gorge and Bryson City, a little over an hour from Asheville, and a perfect jumping off point for adventure… or a place to get cozy, rest in the hot tub, sweat in the sauna, and enjoy the peace (and pace) of nature.

Itinerary January 9-12, 2025

*Details below are a general outline and may shift with weather and other flexible factors

January 9: Arrive to the Hideaway Point by 5pm

A welcome meal and opening circle will help us transition away from the worries of our daily lives and into the here and now of shared time in nature.

January 10 and 11

Each morning we will begin with gentle movement and a nourishing breakfast, then move on to an activity like hiking or yoga to create some healthy stress in the system, and then rest. The afternoons will be a blend of “workshop” content and some juicy practices of nourishment and tending.

We will learn more about what it means to practice self-care through the lens of nervous system regulation, listening to our “animal bodies.” We’ll identify what “shoulding” and shaming tendencies tend to keep us stuck in a state of over-activation or numbness, and use curiosity, compassion, and creativity to shake off the old and welcome in the new.

Each afternoon involves options for hot tub, sauna, and general personal time. After dinner we will have space for creativity and playing with how to take the practices we are gaining home with us.

January 12

After our final yoga session, we’ll enjoy a particularly yummy farewell breakfast and then create our Closing circle.

We will reflect on our take-aways from the weekend, say our goodbyes, and begin our journeys back home in time to regroup before the week begins. You can plan to be on the road by 11am.

Dates: January 9-12, 2025

Cost: $1425 for shared room; $1650 for private room

*Cost includes accommodations, all meals, use of sauna and hot tub, expert facilitation from Sommerville (therapist, somatic experiencing practitioner, yoga instructor, wilderness guide, and more ;) and memories that last a lifetime. Please inquire about a reduced rate option if the cost is a prohibitive factor.