Lessons from Van Living: Part II
/Less is more.
This is obvious when it comes to downsizing to actually fit your life, your clothes, your toys, your books and work supplies, your special items, your toiletries, your dog supplies, your bedding and stove and kitchen materials, and food…. all into a tiny van. But I am finding that the concept holds true beyond the confines of the van.
Less is more in SO many ways.
Ok, let’s see if this comparison holds. If I cram a lot of clothes into a bin, I find that the clothing becomes more wrinkled, and also that I only wear what’s on the top third of the pile. Items at the bottom go forgotten. If I overfill my food bin, items get lost at the back and go bad.
There is a freshness that is lost in my pursuit to have it all, to be ready for anything, to over-anticipate the future.
But if I let go of the need to HAVE, I can settle into and gain more confidence in my ability to BE.
Trying to squeeze less into the day and into the week, means that each activity has the space to breathe, just like clothes that are worn and make their way into memories, rather than wrinkled and limp in an overstuffed bin… or an overstuffed life.
It is a new year. What items, commitments, shoulds, and expectations can you let go? What parts of your life need a little room to breathe?